Featured in the following magazines and books
International Magazines
"Elle Decoration", France
"G", China
"Creative Review", United Kingdom "Elle Decoration", France
"G", China
"BISPUBLISHERS", The Netherlands
"ISH", Singapore
"Werk", Singapore
"Graphic", The Netherlands
"Schöner Wohnen", Germany
"COUCH", Germany
Danish Magazines
"Elle Decoration", Denmark
"RUM", Denmark
"ALT Interiør", Denmark
"ALT for Damerne", Denmark
"Bolig Magasinet", Denmark
"Mad&Bolig", Denmark
"Bolig Liv", Denmark
"BoBedre", Denmark
"Eurowoman", Denmark
"Femina", Denmark
"Magasinet Liv", Denmark
"Oak Journal", Denmark
"Designbase", Denmark
"Sankt Jakobs Magasin", Denmark (interview + front page)

"A book designed to help", Die Gestalten, Germany
"Wonderland", Die Gestalten, Germany
"Danish Art Prints – Art versus Design", WeDoArt, Denmark
Request regarding press material or editorial contribution, please contact: mail@betinahelles.dk